
Follow the steps in the Development section and then:

meson test -C build

You can get verbose build output with:

meson test -C build -v

The verbose mode is useful when tests fail because you can see the debugging information dumps and other output. You may also use the Makefile to run the test suite or a specific subset of tests. For example:

make check

Runs all of the tests where as:

make check xml

Will just run the xml inspection tests. The Makefile target is provided as a convenience so you don’t need to remember the meson commands.

You can also use a Python virtualenv to run and debug the tests. Make sure pip and virtualenv are installed and then:

virtualenv -p python3 my_test_env
. my_test_env/bin/activate
pip-3 install meson ninja rpm-py-installer rpmfluff setuptools
export RPMINSPECT=$PWD/build/src/rpminspect
export RPMINSPECT_YAML=$PWD/data/generic.yaml

To run all tests, execute the command:

python3 -Bm unittest discover -v test/

To run a specific test suite, execute:

python3 -Bm unittest discover -v test/ test_emptyrpm.py