

Make sure you have installed the program and corresponding data file collection. Fedora Linux users can use dnf:

dnf install rpminspect rpminspect-data-fedora

The first package is the actual program. The rpminspect-data-fedora package delivers data files used by the various inspections performed by rpminspect. It also delivers the rpminspect configuration file. Have a look at this file and make sure it works for your environment. The idea is to support per-vendor data packages efficiently. For example, if CentOS needs different settings, it should provide a rpminspect-data-centos package.

Ideally, the configuration file should not need changing. If you do find mistakes, please file an issue or send a pull request to the project:

The aim should be the vendor-specific data packages providing everything a developer needs to run rpminspect locally for that product successfully.

Input Types

rpminspect looks at files contained in RPM packages. But RPM packages have a lot of infrastructure built up around them too. For starters, a source RPM can generate multiple binary RPMs. Second, Linux distributions tend to build for multiple architectures. The collection of all of the built RPMs, or artifacts, is collectively referred to as a build. Fedora Linux tends to refer to a build using the name-version-release, or NVR, syntax. For example, glibc-2.33-8.fc34. Here the name is glibc, the version is 2.33, and the release is 8.fc34.

rpminspect requires at least an RPM of some sort as input. However, since it is very common for RPM maintenance to deal with all of the built RPMs and all applicable architectures, rpminspect can take a complete build as input. In Fedora Linux, when you specify an NVR build rpminspect will query Koji for information on that build and if it’s found, download all of the RPM packages. You may also cache these Koji builds locally and refer to them by their filesystem path, in which case rpminspect will not go and download the build again.

If you are performing package work locally and just want to look at a single RPM, you can specify that as well. Just pass the path to the RPM on the command line. There are other RPM build systems out there and it would be interesting to see rpminspect expand to gain support for fetching builds from them.


rpminspect can operate in one of two modes when processing RPM packages. The first is called analysis mode. This mode is where you provide a single build or RPM package as the input. rpminspect will check that single input and perform all of the inspections that apply to single inputs only.

The second mode is a comparison mode. This mode performs all of the analysis mode checks but also performs checks that can happen when there is a before and after build to compare. These checks cover things like reporting when things change between builds. The analysis mode is more checks that enforce policies on built packages.

The mode cannot be specified via a command line option. The mode of operation is implied based on provided one or two builds as input on the command line.

Reporting Levels

rpminspect will exit with code 0 indicating success if all of the results reported are either at the INFO or OK level. Anything that is VERIFY or BAD will trigger an exit code of 1 indicating a failure. The failure reporting threshold can be adjusted with the -t option. The default failure threshold is VERIFY. The -s option allows you to specify a reporting level for results suppression. That is, anything below the specified level will be suppressed in the output. For example, -s VERIFY will suppress all results below the VERIFY level.

The results also contain a value indicating who is the appropriate entity or party to waive a particular result. This information can be changed by sending pull requests to the project. It has no bearing on the exit code of 0 and is only present for use by environments integrating rpminspect in to their workflows.

Workflow Examples

rpminspect runs from the command line. The inputs must be local RPM packages, a Koji build specification (NVR), a Koji scratch build task number, a Koji module specification, or a locally cached Koji build output (regular build or module). For inputs originating from Koji, rpminspect talks to Koji and download the build artifacts. For repeated runs, you may want to cache a remote build locally to avoid downloading it with each run. The examples below use Fedora Linux, so they will reference the rpminspect-fedora wrapper script provided by rpminspect-data-fedora as the command to run.

Here is a simple invocation using tmux as an example:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

This just runs with verbose mode enabled and compares tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 to tmux-2.9a-3.fc31. rpminspect downloads the packages for these builds and runs the inspections.

If you want to keep temporary files created during the run, pass -k. rpminspect tells you where those files are when it finishes.

You can list available inspections with the -l option:

$ rpminspect-fedora -l

Say you only want to run the license inspection on the builds above:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v -k -T license tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

Now let’s say you want to run the license and manpage inspections:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v -k -T license,manpage tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

And lastly, what if you want to run all inspections except the license one:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v -k -E license tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

What about specify a locally cached build? First, let’s start by caching the builds we have been using:

$ mkdir ~/builds
$ rpminspect-fedora -v -w ~/builds -f tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

Now let’s run all the inspections but specify the locally cached builds:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v ~/builds/tmux-2.9a-2.fc31 ~/builds/tmux-2.9a-3.fc31

Easy. Again, these locally cached builds must look like what rpminspect would download from Koji. Hence using rpminspect first to download it.

rpminspect can also run inspections on local RPM packages. Similar to Koji inputs, you may specify a single RPM or two RPM packages to compare. For example:

$ rpminspect-fedora -v ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/tmux-2.9a-2.fc31.x86_64.rpm


$ cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
$ rpminspect-fedora -v tmux-2.9a-2.fc31.x86_64.rpm tmux-2.9a-3.fc31.x86_64.rpm

All of the other command-line options that apply to Koji tests work for local RPM packages.

For more information, see the man page for rpminspect(1). And see the --help output for information on command-line option syntax.

Command Line Options

Compare package builds for policy compliance and consistency.

Usage: rpminspect [OPTIONS] [before build] [after build]


-c FILE, --config=FILE

Configuration file to use

-p NAME, --profile=NAME

Configuration profile to use

-T LIST, --tests=LIST

List of tests to run (default: ALL)

-E LIST, --exclude=LIST

List of tests to exclude (default: none)

-a LIST, --arches=LIST

List of architectures to check

-r STR, --release=STR

Product release string

-n, --no-rebase

Disable build rebase detection

-o FILE, --output=FILE

Write results to FILE (default: stdout)

-F TYPE, --format=TYPE

Format output results as TYPE (default: text)

-t TAG, --threshold=TAG

Result threshold triggering exit failure (default: VERIFY)

-s TAG, --suppress=TAG

Results suppression threshold (default: off, report everything)

-l, --list

List available tests and formats

-w PATH, --workdir=PATH

Temporary directory to use (default: /var/tmp/rpminspect)

-f, --fetch-only

Fetch builds only, do not perform inspections (implies -k)

-k, --keep

Do not remove the comparison working files

-d, --debug

Debugging mode output

-D, --dump-config

Dump configuration settings used (in YAML format)

-v, --verbose

Verbose inspection output when finished, display full path

-?, –help Display usage information -V, –version Display program version

See the rpminspect(1) man page for more information.

Available Inspections

Analysis Mode

These inspections run when a single build is provided as input to the program.

  • license

    Verify the string specified in the License tag of the RPM metadata describes permissible software licenses as defined by the license database. Also checks to see if the License tag contains any unprofessional words as defined in the configuration file.

  • emptyrpm

    Check all binary RPM packages in the build for any empty payloads. When comparing two builds, report new packages in the after build with empty payloads.

  • metadata

    Perform some RPM header checks. First, check that the Vendor contains the expected string as defined in the configuration file. Second, check that the build host is in the expected subdomain as defined in the configuration file. Third, check the Summary string for any unprofessional words. Fourth, check the Description for any unprofessional words. Lastly, if there is a before build specified, check for differences between the before and after build values of the previous RPM header values and report them.

  • manpage

    Perform some checks on man pages in the RPM payload. First, check that each man page is compressed. Second, check that each man page contains valid content. Lastly, check that each man page is installed to the correct path.

  • xml

    Check that XML files included in the RPM payload are well-formed.

  • elf

    Perform several checks on ELF files. First, check that ELF objects do not contain an executable stack. Second, check that ELF objects do not contain text relocations. When comparing builds, check that the ELF objects in the after build did not lose a PT_GNU_RELRO segment. When comparing builds, check that the ELF objects in the after build did not lose -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE.

  • desktop

    Perform syntax and file reference checks on *.desktop files. Syntax errors and invalid file references are reported as errors.

  • disttag

    Check that the Release tag in the RPM spec file includes the %{?dist} directive.

  • specname

    Ensure the spec file name conforms to the NAME.spec naming format.

  • modularity

    Ensure compliance with modularity build and packaging policies (only valid for module builds, no-op otherwise).

  • javabytecode

    Check minimum required Java bytecode version in class files, report bytecode version changes between builds, and report if bytecode versions are exceeded. The bytecode version is vendor specific to releases and defined in the configuration file.

  • addedfiles

    Report added files from the before build to the after build. Debuginfo files are ignored as are files that match the patterns defined in the configuration file. Files added to security paths generate special reporting in case a security review is required. New setuid and setgid files raise a security warning unless the file is in the whitelist.

  • ownership

    Report files and directories owned by unexpected users and groups. Check to make sure executables are owned by the correct user and group. If a before and after build have been specified, also report ownership changes.

  • shellsyntax

    For all shell scripts in the build, perform a syntax check on it using the shell defined in its #! line (shell must also be listed in shell section of the configuration data). If the syntax check returns non-zero, report it to the user and return a combined stdout and stderr. If comparing two builds, perform the previous check but also report if a previously bad script is now passing the syntax check.

  • annocheck

    Perform annocheck tests defined in the configuration file on all ELF files in the build. A single build specified will perform an analysis only. Two builds specified will compare the test results between the before and after build. If no annocheck tests are defined in the configuration file, this inspection is skipped.

  • permissions

    Report stat(2) mode changes between builds. Checks against the fileinfo lists for the product release specified or determined. Any setuid or setgid changes will raise a message indicating a security team should review it.

  • capabilities

    Report capabilities(7) changes between builds. Checks against the capabilities list for the product release specified or determined. Any capabilities changes not on the list will raise a message indicating a security team should review the change. This inspection is only present if rpminspect was built with libcap support.

  • pathmigration

    Report files that are packaged in paths that have migrated to new locations. For example, packages should not package anything directly in /bin but rather /usr/bin. The path migrations are defined in the rpminspect.yaml file.

  • lto

    Link Time Optimization (LTO) produces smaller and faster shared ELF executables and libraries. LTO bytecode is not stable from one release of gcc to the next. As such, LTO bytecode should not be present in .a and .o ELF objects shipped in packages. This inspection looks for LTO bytecode in ELF relocatable objects and reports if any is present.

  • symlinks

    Symbolic links must be resolvable on the installed system. This inspection ensures absolute and relative symlinks are valid. It also checks for any symlink usage that will cause problems for RPM.

  • files

    Reads each %files section in the spec file and looks for any forbidden path references. Forbidden path references are defined in the configuration file under the files:forbidden_paths section. An example might be reporting spec files that use /usr/lib rather than %{_libdir}.

  • patches

    Report patches defined in the spec file that are under 4 bytes as invalid patch files. Report the percentage by which patches change between builds. Report how many lines are touched by a patch. Based on size and line count thresholds in the configuration file, report findings at either the INFO or VERIFY level.

  • virus

    Check every file in the after build for viruses using libclamav. Any positive result is reported as a BAD result.

  • politics

    Check for possible politically sensitive files in packages. The things to check for are defined in the per-product release files in /usr/share/rpminspect/politics that are provided by the vendor data package. This inspection was originally introduced to catch potentially political names or phrases in filenames.

  • badfuncs

    Check for forbidden functions in ELF files. Forbidden functions are defined in the runtime configuration files. Usually this inspection is used to catch built packages that make use of deprecated API functions if you wish built packages to conform to replacement APIs.

  • runpath

    Check for forbidden paths in both the DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH settings in ELF shared objects. If both DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH are found in an ELF object, report it as a BAD result since that would be a linker error.

  • unicode

    Scan extracted and patched source code files, scripts, and RPM spec files for any prohibited Unicode code points, as defined in the configuration file. Any prohibited code points are reported as a possible security risk.

  • rpmdeps

    Check for correct RPM dependency metadata. Report incorrect or conflicting findings as well as expected changes when comparing a new build to an older build. Changes are only reported when comparing builds, but this inspection will check for correct RPM dependency metadata when inspecting a single build and report findings.

Comparison Mode

These inspections run when a before and after build are specified as the input to the program. All of the analysis mode inspections also run when in comparison mode.

  • lostpayload

    Check all binary RPM packages in the before and after builds for any empty payloads. Packages that lost payload data from the before build to the after build are reported.

  • changedfiles

    Report changed files from the before build to the after build. Certain file changes will raise additional warnings if the concern is more critical than just reporting changes (e.g., a suspected security impact). Any gzip, bzip2, or xz compressed files will have their uncompressed content compared only, which will allow changes through in the compression level used. Message catalog files (.mo) are unpacked and compared. Public C and C++ header files are preprocessed and compared. Any changes with unified diff output are included in the results.

  • movedfiles

    Report files that have moved installation paths or across subpackages between builds. Files moved with a security path prefix generate special reporting in case a security review is required. Rebased packaged report these findings at the INFO level while non-rebased packages report them at the VERIFY level or higher.

  • removedfiles

    Report removed files from the before build to the after build. Shared libraries get additional reporting output as they may be unexpected dependency removals. Files removed with a security path prefix generated special reporting in case a security review is required. Source RPM packages and debuginfo files are ignored by this inspection.

  • upstream

    Report Source archives defined in the RPM spec file changing content between the before and after build. If the source archives change and the package is on the rebaseable list, the change is reported as informational. Otherwise the change is reported as a rebase of the package and requires inspection.

  • dsodeps

    Compare DT_NEEDED entries in dynamic ELF executables and shared libraries between the before and after build and report changes.

  • filesize

    Report file size changes between builds. If empty files became non-empty or non-empty files became empty, report those as results needing verification. Report file change percentages as info-only.

  • kmod

    Report kernel module parameter, dependency, PCI ID, or symbol differences between builds. Added and removed parameters are reported and if the package version is unchanged, these messages are reported as failures. The same is true module dependencies, PCI IDs, and symbols. This inspection is only available is rpminspect was built with libkmod support.

  • arch

    Report RPM architectures that appear and disappear between the before and after builds.

  • subpackages

    Report RPM subpackages that appear and disappear between the before and after builds.

  • changelog

    Ensure packages contain an entry in the %changelog for the version built. Reports any other differences in the existing changelog between builds and that the new entry contains new text entries.

  • types

    Compare MIME types of files between builds and report any changes for verification.

  • abidiff

    When comparing two builds or two packages, compare ELF files using abidiff(1) from the libabigail project. Differences are reported. If the package is a rebase and not on the rebaseable list and the rebase inspection is enabled, ABI differences are reported as failures. The assumption here is that rpminspect is comparing builds for maintenance purposes and you do not want to introduce any ABI changes for users. If you do not care about that, turn off the abidiff inspection or add the package name to the rebaseable list.

  • kmidiff

    kmidiff compares the binary kernel Module Interfaces of two Linux kernel trees. The binary KMI is the interface that the Linux kernel exposes to its modules. The trees we are interested in here are the result of the build of the Linux kernel source tree. If the builds compared are not considered a rebase, an incompatible change reported by kmidiff(1) is reported for verification.

  • config

    Report %config files changing to/from %config status between the before and after builds. Report whitespace only changes as INFO messages and report content changes as VERIFY messages unless the comparison is for a rebased package in which case the INFO message level is used. For %config files that are symlinks, compare the link destinations and report changes using the reporting levels just mentioned.

  • doc

    Report %doc files changing to/from %doc status between the before and after builds. These messages are at the INFO level for rebased builds and the VERIFY level otherwise. The main objective here is to catch projects that may rename documentation files (e.g., README to in a minor update that the package maintainer might overlook.